Saturday, March 3, 2007

大雨 - the big rain

作詞:陳宏宇 作曲:曾奕文
Lyrics: Chen Hong Yu
Music: Zeng Yi Wen
Album: 愛可以問誰 (who can love ask)

天空 就要 下一場大雨
The sky will soon let down a big rain
每個人都怕 會淋濕了自己
Everyone is scared it will get them wet
低頭的人都想 快步進行
Heads down, they want to walk faster
剎那間街道已變成 冷清的場景
In a moment the street becomes a cold and cleared scene
我知道寂寞 逐漸在佔據
I know loneliness gradually takes hold

我們曾經 牽手細數星辰 的情景
Once we held hands and counted the stars
慢慢消失 只剩下雨滴
This scene slowly disappeared, leaving only raindrops
我很想問 哪一個人 不希望被愛燃燒
I want to ask who doesn't hope to be caught in the fever of love
伸出雙手 用力抱緊 妳要不要
Reaching out my hands to hold onto you tightly, would you like me to?
假如當妳 想要哭了 記得要回到 我的懷抱
If you want to cry remmeber to come back to my embrace
不在乎 錯錯對對 是是非非 全部忘掉
Don't worry about previous rights, wrongs and problems, forget them all
往後拋 等待妳發現我 就是 妳唯一的倚靠
Keep casting them behind. I'll wait for you to realize i'm the one you can lean on

睜開 眼睛 已看不見雨
Quietly opening my eyes, I can no longer see the rain
街道濕淋淋 塵灰化作泥濘
The street is soaked, dust has turned to mud
想要擁抱愛情 被愛珍惜
I want to embrace love, be treasured by love
期待著雨水洗乾淨 乾涸的眼睛
I hope the rain will wash my dried eyes
So i can see the scars caused by loving

我知道 認真愛了 一輩子就逃不掉
I know that spending my life truly loving I cannot run away
伸出雙手 用力抱緊 妳要不要
Reaching out my hands to hold onto you tightly, would you like me to?
假如當妳 覺得累了 別忘記回到 我的懷抱
If you ever feel tired don't forget to come back to my embrace
不在乎 錯錯對對 是是非非 全部忘掉
Don't worry about previous rights, wrongs and problems, forget them all
只要 有妳就好
If I have you everything is fine
妳會發現是我 甘心 為愛等到 天荒地老
You will find I'm the only one willing to wait until the sky and earth becomes a wasteland

胸口燒呀燒 在雨中跑呀跑
My chest is burning, running through the rain
付出的痴戀輕狂 能有多少
How much crazed love have i given out?
笑我痴心也好 那愛火 熾烈 熄滅不掉
You can laugh at me for being crazy, but this love will never burn out

我知道 認真愛了 一輩子就逃不掉
I know that spending my life truly loving I cannot run away
伸出雙手 用力抱緊 妳要不要
Reaching out my hands to hold onto you tightly, would you like me to?
假如當妳 覺得累了 別忘記回到 我的懷抱
If you ever feel tired don't forget to come back to my embrace
不在乎 錯錯對對 是是非非 全部忘掉
Don't worry about previous rights, wrongs and problems, forget them all
If i have you it's enough

等候深愛的妳 能夠再為我
I hope you will be able to love me deeply again, and for me
把星星堆了滿天 我會為愛痛哭
You'll scatter the stars all over the sky again,
When that happens, I'll cry for the pain of this love

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