Friday, March 2, 2007

六呎風雲 - 6 feet of change

曲:劉穗京, 陳子敏, 林健華
music: stephen lau, roy chan, joannes lam
lyrics: wyman wong
編:Peter Kam
arranged: peter kam
碟: smart id
album: smart id

如要走 麻煩不可超過六呎
if you must leave, then please don't go away further than 6 feet
平生最怕牽掛 突發的身邊趣事
I've always been afraid of worries, suddenly these amusing things appear by my side
am I willing to not let you watch?

曾經 嫌彼此太親密 容許解說一下
once, we got too close, can I explain?
其實還是愛吧 否則不拖你回家
actually it was love, otherwise I wouldn't have taken you home

就算最愛你 也最怕你 但抱實你
let's just say I love you, yet am afraid of you, but I will hold you close
except every so often I will need to let go to breathe
就算我怨過 日對住你 晚對住你
even if I've regretted that I see you night and day
don't exaggerate and say you need to die to stop the pain
you only need a few feet distance to gain your breath
it doesn't mean I can fly
(除非我一向也待薄你 恨不得有轉機)
(unless I've never given you enough, hoping desperately for a change)

為何剩下自己 至會記起
why do I need to be alone to remember?
that I still care for you?
平時我望著你 祇會記起
when I normally see you, I can only remember...
how I'm trapped by you

明明後面是你 靠你撐起
it's obvious that you were behind me, I relied on you
but standing nearby I found you annoying
I've never told you how much you mean to me

情感 能否祇退一步 無需整晚擁抱
can these emotions take a step back? I don't need to be held each night
還是維繫我們 雙宿雙棲那樣好
but if we could be tied together, how good would that be?

既要有我的空間 但有奢想你習慣
when I'm free, I think of your habits
祇好嘆一起 真不簡單
and I can only sigh, it's really not easy

何妨 自現在起 與你計起
why can't we remember from now on
if I really do care about you
then even with several feet between us, I won't leave or give up

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