Friday, May 4, 2007

花落誰家 - Where have all the flowers gone?

花落誰家 - Where have all the flowers gone?

曲:Eric Kwok 詞:林若寧
Music: Eric Kwok
Lyrics: Lin Ruo Ling

鐵塔以下青翠山嶺 化作了石油站
Below the steel tower, the jade-green mountain ridge, altered into a petrol station
鐵塔以上一對鸚鵡 也要各自逃難
Above the steel tower, a pair of parrots, run seperately from impending disaster
鐵塔以下都市璀璨 根本不懂感嘆
Below the steel tower, a sparkling city, doesn't understand how to stop and breathe
花瓣吹散 誰在乎誰著眼
Flowers' petals disperse - who cares? who notices?

聽說發達只有興建 蓋夠八十層吧
Tales of prosperity, brought about, by the development of 80 stories with roofs
聽說過活只有改變 變到再沒童話
Tales of earning a living - the only change? Being that fairytales are lost in this world
聽說進步黑臉琵鷺 盡管犧牲一下
Tales of improving - the birds are simply sacrificed (a)
牠一張臉 已給你記憶風化
Its face has already given your memory a jolt

When the cherry blossoms are forced to move to the serenity of the moon
We have not treasured the earth enough
When the daisies have been buried
To attain prosperity - will anyone regret?
Only wishing that our lights keep shining on earth
Not wishing that the gardens expand to cover more acres
鮮花死了 至感慨愛得不夠
Only when the flowers have died, do we regret not treasuring them.

這個四月相對乾燥 吻到有裂痕吧
This April is relatively dry, a kiss causes a wound
這個八月天氣很冷 再見快樂炎夏
This August's weather is cold, farewell to the hot summer
聖誕晚上感到炎熱 盡管燈飾優雅
Christmas eve is blistering hot, but we still hang the lights
當天飄雪 你可會有些牽掛
If that day it snows, would you be worried?

When the cherry blossoms are forced to move to the serenity of the moon
We have not treasured the earth enough
After the fireworks of riot have flashed past
You can see the grey clouds are layers thick
Blowing up the mountains, logging the trees
Unable to save the flowers after they've fallen
儘管擁有 怕一切變得罕有
Although we have it now, one day it will become rare.
(即使擁吻 怕空氣已不足夠)
(Even if there's a kiss, there wont be enough air)

(a) - Chinese lyrics refer to the black-faced spoonbill, a bird fast becoming extinct around HK, Taiwan and Korea. And I think the lyrics are talking about Taiwan (though quote, but dont blame me if that's because of the repeated mention of an "iron tower", probably referring to Taipei 101 which is the tallest tower in the world.

*** Hacken's New Song!! Please credit if taking translation....
translated by peggy jean @

Monday, April 30, 2007

日夜消磨 - wearing down day and night

曲: 許願
music: clarence hui
詞: 周禮茂
lyrics: chow lai mou
編: 劉祖德
arranged: lau jo duk
碟: 在克勤身邊
album: by hacken's side

牆外冷也冷 牆內冷也冷
outside it's cold, inside it's cold
but I've gotten used to it ages ago
一天太快過 到一夜又慢
the day passess too quickly, the night too slowly
nothing changes as it all cycles again

長長夜閉上眼 夢無奈也冷冷
in the long night, I close my eyes, and dreams are still cold
and awakening from my dream this night
若似有所失 醞釀中記得
even if everything's lost, I still remember deeply
the memories that collect in my heart

從前的我 曾如此這般過
the old me, has once moved
從前的你 竟走來
the old you, comes running to me
yelling at me day and night
從前的愛是 原來這樣來過
the old love, used to come like this
從前的我 亦曾放開心鎖
the old me, once happily opened up
and truly lived

牆外妳有妳 牆內我有我
outside there's you, inside there's me
and awakening from my dream this night
活著也要支撐 愛未可再返
living requires support, and love can never come back
like the past, it only lasted for that time

從前的我 曾如此這般過
the old me, has once moved
從前的你 竟走來
the old you, comes running to me
yelling at me day and night
從前的愛是 原來這樣來過
the old love, used to come like this
從前的我 亦曾放開心鎖
the old me, once happily opened up
and truly lived

從前的我 曾如此這般過
the old me, has once moved
從前的你 竟走來
the old you, comes running to me
yelling at me day and night
從前的愛是 原來這樣來過
the old love, used to come like this
and now I want to open myself up
真心再活過 不想再白過
and to truly live, I don't want to waste time anymore
there's not much light left

Sunday, April 29, 2007

隨時消失的女人 - Disappearing woman

隨時消失的女人 - Disappearing woman
曲:楊雲驃 詞:向雪懷 編:楊雲驃
Music: Yeung Wun Biu
Lyrics: Heung Suet Wai
Arranged: Yeung Wun Biu

夜遊人 將一天工作放下
Night wanderer - puts down his work
and searches for love
Inviting women to pour their heart out to him
慷慨地伴著陪飲 說現時太幸運
Liberally drinking together, saying how lucky the present is

大情人 當一心一意計劃
This lover, planning
how to take away others.
This leisurely love not caring what others lose
只愛玩弄著情感 將個別夢幻成真
Only enjoying playing with feelings, realizing a dream...

唯獨我痴心破裂 為你傷心 Ah...
Only my crazed heart breaks, hurting for you
痛得不可救藥 口齒咬緊
Pain that cannot be cured, only grinding my teeth
That day I shouldn't have trusted a woman who disappears
也許早該知道 虎與羊兒不該有熱吻
And maybe I should have realized, a tiger and lamb shouldn't kiss

在尋人 始終找不到你
Finding someone. If i never find you
I wont be happy
A faithful woman without much love
可約誓默默同守 可見在患難情真
Can we promise to keep this oath, can it be seen in tribulations love is true?
Walking together our whole lives
Repeat all once