Thursday, April 19, 2007

陷阱 - Trap

陷阱 - Trap

曲:陳偉堅 詞:潘偉源 編:Bobby Guy
Song: Chan Wai Kin
Lyrics: Poon Wai Yuen
Arranged: Bobby Guy

誰狠狠這般灑脫弄傷我 看我為情狂
Who freely hurt me in this cruel way, watching me go crazy for love
若離若即 已撕碎我心窩
As if leaving, yet as if approaching, and my heart is torn
難道窺見別人受痛楚 你方可以歡笑度過
Could it be that seeing others in pain, you can laugh
難道以那哀傷踐踏我 你方能獲慶賀
Could it be seeing this grieving, fallen me, you can celebrate?

* 如此苦戀的只怨自己錯 我徹夜流亡
If this bitter love can only be blamed on me, i'll disappear into the night
但誰在雨中 再演愛侶拉拖
But who, in pouring rain, played the role of lovers?
誰在心裡亂投下愛火 隔火觀看嘲笑著我
Who added fire to my heart, laughing behind the flames
誰用冷冷刀鋒割我 卻可憐我是傻 *
Who stabbed me with an ice-cold knife, and felt pity for me being stupid

# 墮入陷阱 一生愛恨都已註定錯
Falling into the trap, my life's love stories will all be mistakes
可否可否清醒點 一生欠你有幾多
Could I be more conscious, do i owe you in this life?
墮入陷阱 一生歲月都要悔恨過
Falling into the trap, my days will be spent in regret
可否可否伸手救助 #
Can you reach out and save me?
Repeat * #

# 墮入陷阱 一生愛恨都已註定錯
Falling into the trap, my life's love stories will all be mistakes
可否可否清醒點 一生欠你有幾多
Could I be more conscious, do i owe you in this life?
墮入陷阱 一生歲月都要悔恨過
Falling into the trap, my days will be spent in regret
Can you extinguish the flames of this love?

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