Saturday, April 14, 2007

情人的婚紗 - lover's wedding dress

曲: 小田和正
music: oda kazumasa
詞: 潘偉源
lyrics: poon wai yuen
編: Alex Cruz
arranged: alex cruz
碟: 就是情歌
album: just love songs

I admire myself that I've been through these changes
this time, the cruel winds carry with them sand
令我無從追趕 那視線昏花
I have nowhere to begin my hunt, my vision is clouded
through the commotion of flying confetti, I've lost her

I'll praise her beauty, there's no need to keep wishing
decisively I close my mouth
watching my lover in her beautiful wedding dress
wishing her a lifetime's worth of happiness

我假裝我瀟洒 會抱起會放下
I pretend to be suave, what I pick up I can put down again
誰又會及我好 在以後怎會想她
who will be better than me? in the future how can I think of her?
她更瀟洒 沒半點悔意吧
she's even more suave, without a hint of regret
and smiling at me, not saying a word

我讚嘆我 今天舉止俊雅
I praise myself, today so smart and elegant
we talk, but no longer any talk between lovers
兩唇無依戀 眼內蓋風沙
two lips with no love, inside my eye there's a sandstorm
by her side, behind her, never glancing once her way

妒忌 - envy

曲: Fabio
music: fabio
詞: 克勤
lyrics: hacken
編: Fabio
arranged: fabio
碟: 就是情歌
album: just love songs

誰人在吻著妳 誰又偏偏不躲避
who is kissing you? who is not avoiding it?
狠狠的拋低了我 誰還在回味
cruelly leaving me, who is reminiscing?
誰人在抱著妳 誰又甘心作後備
who is holding you? who willingly plans backup?
輕輕的低聲嘆氣 情是沒餘地
softly sighing, love has no leeway
Woo... 我妒忌
I'm jealous

曾是極度浪漫 天邊海角共尋傳奇
once it was so romantic, the sky and the seas searching for legends
once we were together breathing the same air
度過幾多深宵 又幾多旖旎
together through so many nights and so many conquests
沒有一分一刻 不去想妳
there was never a moment where I didn't think of you

but this black sports car is increasing the distance between us
as it gets late each night, I'd come to find you
但我只得鮮花 沒法留住妳
but I only have fresh flowers, there's no way to keep you here
I've never felt this sourness in my heart before

輕輕的低聲嘆氣 情是沒餘地
softly sighing, love has no leeway
Woo... 我妒忌
I'm jealous
我妒忌 Woo...
I'm jealous