Saturday, March 3, 2007

廿四孝 - completely devoted*

music: tse kit
lyrics: leung lai man
arranged: tse kit
碟: custom made
album: custom made

there's no limit to the times I will be your chauffeur
I'll sit in the car alone to await orders
你化妝優悠 唯有接受
you do your makeup slowly, I can only accept it
and tiringly keep on waiting

I go with you to crazily shop for matching shoes and handbags
I'll happily show you my usefulness by paying for it all
搬貨很出力 從無缺席
carrying the shopping, I have no complaints
I'm exhausted but still optimistic

you tell a joke, making me laugh loudly and pretend I'm naive
I can take your beloved dog out to walk
is it wrong to love you?
照顧你不能睡 很勞累 望穿秋水
taking care of you means no sleep, its very tiring, this eternal vigil

I had enough of greivances while being your lover
I have to keep this smiling face on, I cannot frown
not treating you well even slightly makes me feel guilty
so I endure it all and willingly accept

I had enough of greivances while being your lover
but I'll willingly be your boyfriend
no matter how I need to accomodate you, I'll still hold onto your hand tight
so tight it's like a keyring

in the past I've pretended to be strong and helped you move house several times
and I've willingly kept you company in your makeup room or at your mahjong table
拋低這忠僕 仍有節目
you ditch this loyal servant, having other thigns to do
I can only suffer this loneliness in silence

no matter if your fat or skinny or have dark circles around your eyes
I'll still pretend to be courageous and never leave
跟你的周旋 未覺厭倦
accompanying you to socialise, I've never felt tired
just like a scene out of a soap opera

endnote: 廿四孝 describes someone who is completely devoted to another, showing that they are willing to do anything 24 hours a day. it does not have to refer to a romantic relationship. it is used a lot to describe a parent-child relationship.

大雨 - the big rain

作詞:陳宏宇 作曲:曾奕文
Lyrics: Chen Hong Yu
Music: Zeng Yi Wen
Album: 愛可以問誰 (who can love ask)

天空 就要 下一場大雨
The sky will soon let down a big rain
每個人都怕 會淋濕了自己
Everyone is scared it will get them wet
低頭的人都想 快步進行
Heads down, they want to walk faster
剎那間街道已變成 冷清的場景
In a moment the street becomes a cold and cleared scene
我知道寂寞 逐漸在佔據
I know loneliness gradually takes hold

我們曾經 牽手細數星辰 的情景
Once we held hands and counted the stars
慢慢消失 只剩下雨滴
This scene slowly disappeared, leaving only raindrops
我很想問 哪一個人 不希望被愛燃燒
I want to ask who doesn't hope to be caught in the fever of love
伸出雙手 用力抱緊 妳要不要
Reaching out my hands to hold onto you tightly, would you like me to?
假如當妳 想要哭了 記得要回到 我的懷抱
If you want to cry remmeber to come back to my embrace
不在乎 錯錯對對 是是非非 全部忘掉
Don't worry about previous rights, wrongs and problems, forget them all
往後拋 等待妳發現我 就是 妳唯一的倚靠
Keep casting them behind. I'll wait for you to realize i'm the one you can lean on

睜開 眼睛 已看不見雨
Quietly opening my eyes, I can no longer see the rain
街道濕淋淋 塵灰化作泥濘
The street is soaked, dust has turned to mud
想要擁抱愛情 被愛珍惜
I want to embrace love, be treasured by love
期待著雨水洗乾淨 乾涸的眼睛
I hope the rain will wash my dried eyes
So i can see the scars caused by loving

我知道 認真愛了 一輩子就逃不掉
I know that spending my life truly loving I cannot run away
伸出雙手 用力抱緊 妳要不要
Reaching out my hands to hold onto you tightly, would you like me to?
假如當妳 覺得累了 別忘記回到 我的懷抱
If you ever feel tired don't forget to come back to my embrace
不在乎 錯錯對對 是是非非 全部忘掉
Don't worry about previous rights, wrongs and problems, forget them all
只要 有妳就好
If I have you everything is fine
妳會發現是我 甘心 為愛等到 天荒地老
You will find I'm the only one willing to wait until the sky and earth becomes a wasteland

胸口燒呀燒 在雨中跑呀跑
My chest is burning, running through the rain
付出的痴戀輕狂 能有多少
How much crazed love have i given out?
笑我痴心也好 那愛火 熾烈 熄滅不掉
You can laugh at me for being crazy, but this love will never burn out

我知道 認真愛了 一輩子就逃不掉
I know that spending my life truly loving I cannot run away
伸出雙手 用力抱緊 妳要不要
Reaching out my hands to hold onto you tightly, would you like me to?
假如當妳 覺得累了 別忘記回到 我的懷抱
If you ever feel tired don't forget to come back to my embrace
不在乎 錯錯對對 是是非非 全部忘掉
Don't worry about previous rights, wrongs and problems, forget them all
If i have you it's enough

等候深愛的妳 能夠再為我
I hope you will be able to love me deeply again, and for me
把星星堆了滿天 我會為愛痛哭
You'll scatter the stars all over the sky again,
When that happens, I'll cry for the pain of this love

寂寞煙雨天 - lonely misty days

寂寞煙雨天 - lonely misty days
曲:佚名 詞:潘偉源 編:盧東尼
Song: Yi Ming
Lyrics: Poon Wai Yuen
Arranged: Tony Arevalo
album: 只想您會意

仍是破舊這酒吧 仍困倦無說話
Still the same old bar, still wearily trapped, wordless
你的眼光 輕輕轉向 窗邊小雨下
Your eyes turn to watch the rain outside the window
仍舊靠著我好嗎 仍算是朋友吧
Would you lean on me like old times? Can we still be friends?
你的髮梢 摔開一切 不想再逗留
Your hair flutters in the wind, unwilling to stay

唯有悄悄 從破落懷抱交出所有
Can only quietly give you my all in our farewell hug
讓你牽了走 讓我將破碎獨自承受
and let you go, living with my shattered self
唯有笑笑 而接受情感交織的錯漏
Can only smile, and accept this wrong ending in our love
寂寞煙雨天 在明日永遠也深秋
Lonely misty days, will tomorrow, forever, remain

* 其實再十年再萬年不夠
Another ten years, or ten thousand years wouldn't be enough
After the flames of love pass and die down, they're still there
No matter if we want to forget everything
在你心裡面 曾是否有淚流 *
In your heart, were there once tears?
Repeat all once
Repeat *

輸情歌 - song of lost love

music: peter kam
lyrics: keith chan
arranged: peter kam
碟: 李克勤演奏廳
album: concert hall I

額頭沒有亮光 人軟弱如沒血糖
there is no light from above, I feel so weak like I have no blood glucose
失戀之中身體欠安康 躺在病床
losing love makes my body ill, lying in a hospital bed
面前沒曙光 從前這家裡似天堂 
there's no light ahead, but in the past life was like heaven
這數百呎 漸已變得 空嚝
now these severla hundred feet are slowly feeling empty

#念著是你好處缺陷 都這麼使我太著緊
all you good qualities and bad, have always made me overprotective
 過去我得過幾多興奮 換幾多黑暗 簡單的公式太深#
in past i've had my highs, now i'm in the dark and what was simple is now too complicated

想不到失戀輸了我終身 注碼放太多 天真地上陣 
I'd never thought that losing love meant losing myself, placing too high a bet, naively gambling it all
一回頭 身已沒分文永不翻身
in one round, I have no money left to win it all back again
想不到失戀輸了我真心 每晚夜難眠然後害怕到著燈
I'd never thought that losing love meant losing my heart, every night I'm so afraid of being unable to sleep I turn on the light
共我手背熱吻 怎會入心 
and kissing the back of my hand, how can I pretend that it's you?
困在回憶的監禁 傢俬臺凳 漸變舊 和我合襯
trapped within memory's prison, I grow old with the furniture

夢難做太深 遺忘了工作變消沉
it's hard to dream deeply and forget about work
我吃與喝 亦會兩手 抖震
I eat and drink and these two hands will shake

想不到失戀輸了我終身 注碼放太多 天真地上陣 
I'd never thought that losing love meant losing myself, placing too high a bet, naively gambling it all
一回頭 身已沒分文永不翻身
in one round, I have no money left to win it all back again
想不到失戀輸了我真心 每晚夜難眠然後害怕到著燈
I'd never thought that losing love meant losing my heart, every night I'm so afraid of being unable to sleep I turn on the light
共我手背熱吻 怎會入心 
and kissing the back of my hand, how can I pretend that it's you?
困在回憶的監禁 踐踏我心的腳印
trapped within memory's prison, these footprints trampling my heart

想不到失戀輸了我終身 注碼放太多 天真地上陣 
I'd never thought that losing love meant losing myself, placing too high a bet, naively gambling it all
一回頭 身已沒分文永不翻身
in one round, I have no money left to win it all back again
想不到失戀輸了我真心 每晚夜難眠然後害怕到著燈
I'd never thought that losing love meant losing my heart, every night I'm so afraid of being unable to sleep I turn on the light
共我手背熱吻 怎會入心 
and kissing the back of my hand, how can I pretend that it's you?
困在回憶的監禁 傢俬臺凳 漸變舊 和我合襯
trapped within memory's prison, I grow old with the furniture

那個應該是我 - it should be me

曲:Lim Gi Hun, Choi Joon Young
music: lim gi hun, choi joon young
lyrics: wyman wong
arranged: harry ng
碟: smart id
album: smart id

定鏡 原來未算無緣
so it's not like we have no fate after all
一雙失散戀人 重逢在鬧市車站前
a pair of lost lovers, meeting again in front of a busy bus stop
好嗎 為何共對無言
"are you well?" why is it that there are no words to say?
I want to have a chat and catch up
but you smile and point over there

那個是我 若最初揀了你
this is me, I picked you at first
他所得到的 是我那天所捨棄
what he has is what I lost that day
你這伴侶 明明並不襯你
your significant other obviously doesn't match you
他普通 他老實
he's ordinary, he's honest
but you know he loves you
(but he won't ever leave you)

望你 如何羨煞旁人
watching you, how I envy that person next to you
都知這個好人 平凡但讓你很安穩
I know he's a good person, nothing special but he will protect you
當我 人潮內再浮沉
and me, I'll once again sink into the crowd
I know who you kiss now
and which pair of arms hold you

那個會是我 從前若未放棄
this would be me, if I didn't give up back then
他打的領呔 像有你悉心整理
the tie he wears looks like it has been fixed by you
再次遇上 還憑甚麼騷擾你
next time we meet, what excuse do I have to bother you?
可否講 失散後 又有多想見你
can I say: after losing touch, i've wanted to see you so much
剛開口 他卻在 在那一邊叫你
as I open my mouth, there he is calling you

Friday, March 2, 2007

o彭門 - slamming door

o彭門 - slamming door
作曲:陳輝陽 | 填詞:黃偉文 | 編曲:陳輝陽

Music: Keith Chan Fai Yeung
Lyrics: Wyman Wong Wy Man
Arranger: Chan Fai Yeung
Album: Smart I.D

他知忍一忍 就沒事
He knows that not fighting, everything will be ok
個個要發惡 留難時
If everyone were to fight, times would be hard
他都忍得到 不敢惹事
He grits and bears it, unwilling to make matters worse
但面對 情人就算 最小的不滿
But facing his lover's accusations
他 也發怒 完全 無辦法攔住
He becomes angry, and cant control himself

她EQ很高 論辦事
Her EQ is high, she understands
也算夠理智 談情時
And is calm when they are dating
偏偏很偏激 像個瘋子
But is easily angry, like a crazy person
就在這 炎炎夏季中
In this summer

他很火爆 她更燥熱
He is explosive, she is smouldering
隨時 燃著戰爭
Liable to explode at any time
當他一出手 即刻出了事
When he starts retaliating, the explosion occurs

*這度門 這度門 一關起了
This door, as soon as it closes
 不得了 不得了 她開火了
It becomes uncontrollable, she starts firing
It's too late to turn back

 原來為了一些 小小執拗 微細事情
Apparently for some little inconsequential things
 門被惡意的關上 才壞了事情
After the door is slammed shut, things become worse
 然後 這度門 這度門 打不開了
And then this door cannot be opened
 他瘋了 他急了 他反擊了
He becomes crazy, impatient, and retaliates
 陳年仇恨 要數 都不算少
Digging up innumerable old gripes

 其時若有一方 吞聲忍氣 大叫暫停
If they swallowed their words and shouted to stop
 還是有個彎可轉 能全面撤兵
There could still turn back and withdraw their forces
 無奈 那陣時 這度門 這度門
Even if at that moment that door, that door
 關上後 吵架後 撕殺後
Closed after fighting and arguing
And their future was over

他很喜歡她 在後面
He loves her without her knowing it
偶爾也會怨 如何難
But people tire of idols, no matter how hard it is
始終不捨得 一刀兩斷
But at the end he cant let go, and cut off their relationship
現在卻 回頭路遠 只有恨 明明是錯手
The return road is long with only hate, sparked only by a wrongdoing
這度門 連同情義也 一起割斷
This door has cut off all hopes of reconciliation

她本可跟他 順利地
She could once peacefully be with him
愛到破鏡也 能重圓
Loving him, even when the mirrors broke, they could be fixed
只可惜今晚 暴燥一點
But sadly tonight she's in a bad mood
其實若對他 耐性好
If she was a bit more patient
他會肯改 那份氣燄
He would change his attitude

然後在教子 然後又抱孫
Then they could have children and grandchildren
偏偏差一點 統統不兌現
Missing just a bit, nothing will come of it now


還是 這度門 這段情 這裂痕
And this door, this love, this wound
開變閤 好變壞 小變大
becomes closed, becomes bad, becomes large
At the same time we write down our reflections

六呎風雲 - 6 feet of change

曲:劉穗京, 陳子敏, 林健華
music: stephen lau, roy chan, joannes lam
lyrics: wyman wong
編:Peter Kam
arranged: peter kam
碟: smart id
album: smart id

如要走 麻煩不可超過六呎
if you must leave, then please don't go away further than 6 feet
平生最怕牽掛 突發的身邊趣事
I've always been afraid of worries, suddenly these amusing things appear by my side
am I willing to not let you watch?

曾經 嫌彼此太親密 容許解說一下
once, we got too close, can I explain?
其實還是愛吧 否則不拖你回家
actually it was love, otherwise I wouldn't have taken you home

就算最愛你 也最怕你 但抱實你
let's just say I love you, yet am afraid of you, but I will hold you close
except every so often I will need to let go to breathe
就算我怨過 日對住你 晚對住你
even if I've regretted that I see you night and day
don't exaggerate and say you need to die to stop the pain
you only need a few feet distance to gain your breath
it doesn't mean I can fly
(除非我一向也待薄你 恨不得有轉機)
(unless I've never given you enough, hoping desperately for a change)

為何剩下自己 至會記起
why do I need to be alone to remember?
that I still care for you?
平時我望著你 祇會記起
when I normally see you, I can only remember...
how I'm trapped by you

明明後面是你 靠你撐起
it's obvious that you were behind me, I relied on you
but standing nearby I found you annoying
I've never told you how much you mean to me

情感 能否祇退一步 無需整晚擁抱
can these emotions take a step back? I don't need to be held each night
還是維繫我們 雙宿雙棲那樣好
but if we could be tied together, how good would that be?

既要有我的空間 但有奢想你習慣
when I'm free, I think of your habits
祇好嘆一起 真不簡單
and I can only sigh, it's really not easy

何妨 自現在起 與你計起
why can't we remember from now on
if I really do care about you
then even with several feet between us, I won't leave or give up

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

情比紙薄 - love thinner than paper


編:Johnny Yim

你試過 肯捐款 肯賑災
You were once willing to donate to charity, to help out causes
若你這愛 尚存在
If your love still exists
為何大家後來 不肯再次貢獻恩愛
Why is it that at the end, we were unwilling to give out our love?

Watching the world in the TV together
最好的情人 竟然不瞅睬
Where lovers could ignore each other
I wonder if I stumbled to the ground now
Would anyone help me?

*人情就算薄到透 非有仇
Even when love is so thin it's transparent, it doesn't mean there's hate
情義何以卻捐給 你的好友
Why are feelings still given to your friends?
假若疏淡內疚 你我都不要內鬥
If the guilt were to fade, then we will no longer fight
唯願你念在從前 不分手*
I only hope that because of the past, you won't let go of me

人情薄到被看透 便維修
When love becomes so thin it's transparent, it needs fixing
長期付出那麼多 哪只好友
Giving out so much for so long, and still only friends
The sparks no longer exist
但半滴情誼 還有沒有
But a drop of friendship: do we still have it?

Why are we willing to lose morals and justice in this angry world
對於眼前人 不留多一載
But to those we know, we cant leave one bundle
Talking of peace or saying goodbye, how do we pass the future?
Don't avoid it anymore


人情薄到被看透 便維修
When love becomes so thin it's transparent, it needs to be fixed
長期付出那麼多 哪只好友
Giving out so much for so long, and still just friends
請給個機會我 互相補救
Please give us a chance to right wrongs


一張紙縱望到透 沒恆久
When you can see right through a piece of paper, it won't be permanent anymore
情人莫非要分手 也因折舊
Do lovers seperate to break away from the past?
因早晚都共處 便厭倦回頭
Because we see each other night and day, we hate and become weary
And innocence is no longer needed.