Wednesday, July 25, 2007

分岔口 - going seperate ways

Music: Chan Siu Ha
Lyrics: Hacken

從無察覺氣溫昇了又降 陳年寒暑表舖滿著塵網 
Never noticed the temperature rising and falling
The previous winters are covered in dust
家裡每日留下一半睡床 努力半生只為公幹 
Leaving half a bed, every day, in our home
Working hard for half our lives
從無察覺你每天只吃便當 年和月枯乾將美麗埋葬
Never noticed that every day you eat at a convenience store
The days and months whither, beauty is buried
家裡盡能力佈置輝煌 你眼裡像三等客房 
Working hard to decorate your house grandly,
But in your eyes, it's only like a lower class hotel

花有用嗎 也許太過肉麻 
Flowers, what use are they? They're too corny
看夕陽嗎 亦推搪天氣差
Are you loooking at the sunset? Saying the weather is bad?
當愛漸無說話 不吵架沒喧嘩 我怕沒法躲避分岔
When no words are left to be said, no noise except for fights,
I'm scared there's no way to avoid going seperate ways

殘餘喝過咖啡不再熱燙 陳年舊春裝早已沒人看 
The coffee after a disaster no longer burns,
The old renovations, no one pays attention to anymore
工作但仍是太過匆忙 時間未能分給對方 
Work is still too busy
No time left for each other

花有用嗎 也許太過肉麻 
Flowers, what use are they? They're too corny
看夕陽嗎 亦推搪天氣差
Are you loooking at the sunset? Saying the weather is bad?
當愛漸無說話 火花再沒添加 絕無辦法去讓愛昇華 
When no words are left to be said, no more sparks to be added
There's no way to let love rise

嘴巴燙嗎 至少喝過熱茶 
Does your mouth hurt? At least you drank the hot tea
傷得重嗎 沒傷口怎結疤 
Are you hurt badly? Without wounds, how can you heal?
當愛漸無說話 不吵架沒喧嘩
When no words are left to be said, no noise except for fights,
我怕沒法躲避分岔 你同樣怕
I'm scared there's no way to avoid going seperate ways,
you're scared as well.

單身繼續 - continuation of bachelorhood

作曲:吳品群, Matthew Chai
Music: Ng Bun Kwun, Matthew Chai
Lyrics: Keith Chan

平日我在二人家中開心 仍是見你每個女友似走馬燈 
Normally, in our two person household it's happy
But I see each of your girl friends racing
男人單身的興奮 味道快感像香檳 
The happiness of men being single, the feeling is like champagne
當氣泡散開 那感覺 會減分 
When the bubbles die away, the feeling dies too

茶或汽水 你都可喝醉 明晨又要繼續追 
Tea or soft drink, you can drink til you're drunk, and tomorrow you start chasing again
濃還是淡 兩種都有趣 但你只應有一種味蕾
Strong or mild, both are fun, but you should only have one taste
晴或雨水 你喜歡那裡 遊玩倦了要定居 
Sun or rain, where you like, when you're tired you must make a home
如無伴侶 同渡八十歲 無蠟燭可以吹
If there's no partner to be with you until 80 years, no candles to blow out...

長久跟她早適應 日後老花望不清 
We've gotten used to the future, when we can't see each other clearly
於我的記憶 那身影 亦年青 
My memory of her is forever young

(repeat chorus)
茶或汽水 你都可喝醉 明晨又要繼續追
Tea or soft drink, you can drink til you're drunk, and tomorrow you start chasing again
濃還是淡 兩種都有趣 但世間只有一種眼淚 
Strong or mild, both are fun, but the world only has one type of tears
晴或雨水 你喜歡那裡 何年何月 你會安睡 
sun or rain, whichever you like, when will you rest?
某天衰退 頭上那白髮 何用風筒再吹
Which day will you retire? When the white hairs on your head, no longer need to be blown dry.

父子 - Father and Son

曲:Eric Kwok
Music: Eric Kwok
Lyrics: Lam Yeuk Ling

十歲起 當我練球技似笠臣出眾 人成熟 只變成現場觀眾 
From the age of 10, when my soccer skills (??), I matured and became a spectator
願你懂 多努力難避免四大皆空 捧金盃會發覺理想很重
I hope you understand, working hard may not always bring everything you expect: holding the gold cup, you'll find ideals running through your mind

大個仔 請見諒其實我不是巨人 無能力 給你們做人寶訓 
When you grow up, please understand I'm not a superman
I cant provide an instruction manual for life
若有天 當你未能做個偉大醫生 也要信這世界美好吸引
If one day you can't become that brave doctor
You have to believe this world is still beautiful

當歌手當司機當警察不緊要 只需要你似個鐵人病痛少
Being a singer, a chauffer, a police, it doesn't matter
As long as you're healthy like an iron man
得不到金靴獎根本我不需要 我最想你似我面上懷著笑
If you cant win the golden boot award, it's ok
I just want you to be like me, with a smile always on your face

大個仔 請見諒其實我不是巨人 無能力 給你們做人寶訓 
When you grow up, please understand I'm not a superman
I cant provide an instruction manual for life
若有天 當你未能做個偉大醫生 也要信這世界美好吸引
If one day you can't become that brave doctor
You have to believe this world is still beautiful

You have to believe this world is still beautiful

當歌手當司機當警察不緊要 只需要你似個鐵人病痛少
Being a singer, a chauffer, a police, it doesn't matter
As long as you're healthy like an iron man
得不到金靴獎根本我不需要 我最想你似我面上懷著笑
If you cant win the golden boot award, it's ok
I just want you to be like me, with a smile always on your face
當歌手當司機當警察不緊要 只需要你碰上困難別困擾 
Being a singer, a chauffer, a police, it doesn't matter
As long as when you come across troubles, you aren't trapped
想得到得不到少不免灰心了 我最想你似我面上懷著笑 
When you cant get what you want, of course you'll be disappointed
But always keep that smile on your face
I'm just scared that eventually you'll become numb like me

小寶寶 - Little treasure

曲:馮翰銘 詞:克勤
Music: Fung Yung Ming
Lyrics: Hacken

小寶寶 快將出世
Little treasure, soon to be born
Looking forward to the day you call me dad
像我嗎 更像媽媽嗎 我想親一下
Will you look like me? Or like mum? I want to kiss you

給你聽 莫札特
I'll put on Mozart for you to listen
But not in hopes you'll be a composer
願你可 有健康身體甚麼都不怕
As long as you're healthy, everything is ok.

From childhood I'll teach you soccer
I'll teach you to sing
I'll teach you to not be lazy
And not make life difficult for your life partner when you grow up
Don't blame me for being annoying!

小寶寶 你可知道
Little treasure, do you know
I've already thought of you as all these treasures
在倒數 將來一出世我要即刻抱
Counting down, I must hold you when you're born
Dad will happily hold you every day

Dad's love for you stretches higher than the sky