Saturday, February 24, 2007

婚後事 - post-marital issues

曲:Edmond Tsang
music: edmond tsang
lyrics: keith chan
編:Ronald Fu
arranged: ronald fu
碟: 李克勤演奏廳
album: concert hall I

當 當去測婚姻這大事 卻測到不碰得三個字
once, once we've carried out this marriage business, we found the untouchable three words
預算一次 誰又真的一次 若離異 那有意思
analysing this time, who is serious this time, if we separate then what would be the purpose?
走出教堂我便出事 天空海闊 未容易
walking out of the church, i meet trouble
the world so wide, it is not easy...
完全會意 良朋知己傷心灑出皺紙 帶淚告辭
for all to agree, friends crying scatter these papers* and bid farewell

話時話 結就結 單對單 膽博膽 慘鬥慘 面前時日有限
speaking of which, we just marry, one to one we offer our courage, comparing our suffering, there is a limit to the days we have left
忠鬥忠 錯就錯 關過關 翻兩翻 奸鬥奸 問誰沒有傷患
comparing our loyalties, if it's wrong then it's wrong, crossing barriers and fighting our way, comparing deceit, asking who hasnt been hurt
去就去 好鬥好 衰鬥衰 記住瞞著伴侶 不敢眨眼 熱烈合照又扣上臂彎
then just leave, comparing the good and the tears, remember to hide it from your lover, don't close your eyes, go take the photos and hold her arm

怎麼我不堅持 偏要為妳做傻事
why didn't I persist? why did I do these crazy things for you?
相信累人相士 去分享一個地址
believing the fortunes tellers that we will share an address
怎麼我不堅持 做多一天單身漢子
why didn't I persist? to be a single man for another day?
punishment and wedding have the same meaning
由神父去監督 明知竟會大意
with the minister overlooking, knowing there will be a mistake

心 心裏很驚恐婚後事 要參透一對一的政治
my heart is afraid of what's after marriage, of the politics between two
就算手裡 明日生出骨刺 盡人事 戴上介指
even if my hand is fractured tomorrow, I still must do my best and put on this ring
朝九晚七難捱日子 不照做會 犯刑事
from 9am to 7pm if I don't work hard, I'll bring on myself this sentence
全無大志 良朋知己不需手機也知 我在哪兒
I have no aspiration, my friends will know where I am without picking up their phone

怎麼我不堅持 偏要為妳做傻事
why didn't I persist? why did I do these crazy things for you?
相信累人相士 去分享一個地址
believing the fortunes tellers that we will share an address
怎麼我不堅持 做多一天單身漢子
why didn't I persist? to be a single man for another day?
punishment and wedding have the same meaning
如神父就快到此 但我未及制止
the minister is coming soon, but I have not yet been subdued

怎麼我不堅持 偏要為妳做傻事
why didn't I persist? why did I do these crazy things for you?
相信累人相士 去分享一個地址
believing the fortunes tellers that we will share an address
怎麼我不堅持 做多一天單身漢子
why didn't I persist? to be a single man for another day?
punishment and wedding have the same meaning
由神父去開解 誰真心說願意
the minister will determine who says "I do" from their heart

endnote: in traditional chinese funeral rites, paper is usually thrown into the air as the coffin is carried from its home to its burial position

Thursday, February 22, 2007

左鄰右里 (譚詠麟/李克勤) - neighbours (alan tam/hacken lee)

music: mark lui
lyrics: hacken lee
arranged: mark lui
碟: ever last
album: ever last

合:o拿!喊濕幾個枕頭 劈o左幾罐啤酒
na! cry into a few pillows, drink up a few beers
這傷口 怎麼會有 感覺到顫抖
this wound, where did it come from? feeling queasy
o拿!你不需要枕頭 也不需要飲酒
na! you dont't need pillows, and you don't need to drink
要打救 就要搵老友 你就冇乜愁
to get help, find your old friend, then you won't have much worries

since young, we've had countless exams
同窗溫書總會有鬼主意 我念新書
studying together, there were bound to be sneaky ideas, I'll read novels
I'll study chinese history
during the exams, we'll pass hints to each other

who knows how many lovers and crushes we've had
如果失戀多少有點失意 會扮不知
if you fall out of love, you'll be a bit disappointed, but I'll pretend to not know
cannot stop the bleeding
I'll have to trouble you to stay up late to listen to my troubles

friends are like 24-hour supermarkets
open each day, with no rest
will be there everytime
合:更這邊一間o個邊一間 合力做大事
there's one here, there's one there, we must work together to accomplish big things

na! cry into a few pillows, drink up a few beers
劈o左幾罐啤酒 這傷口 怎麼會有 感覺到顫抖
this wound, where did it come from? feeling queasy
o拿!你不需要枕頭 也不需要飲酒
na! you dont't need pillows, and you don't need to drink
要打救 就要搵老友 你就冇乜愁
to get help, find your old friend, then you won't have much worries

who's like me?
like you how?
譚:誰在唱出我的歌 建立彼此友情
who's singing my songs, establishing this friendship
suggesting to play soccer
remembering each day, I won't be lazy
it's been said once
is it me?
李:誰在接班掀起風波 壓力中跌過傷過
while taking over, who caused the trouble? under stress who has gotten hurt?
it will be a lesson learnt
we've never expected this day
singing together

friends are like 24-hour supermarkets
open each day, with no rest
will be there everytime
合:更這邊一間o個邊一間 合力做大事
there's one here, there's one there, we must work together to accomplish big things

na! cry into a few pillows, drink up a few beers
劈o左幾罐啤酒 這傷口 怎麼會有 感覺到顫抖
this wound, where did it come from? feeling queasy
o拿!你不需要枕頭 也不需要飲酒
na! you dont't need pillows, and you don't need to drink
要打救 就要搵老友 你就冇乜愁
to get help, find your old friend, then you won't have much worries

未成年同盟會 - underage alliance

music: yeung ngai
lyrics: hacken
arranged: cheung yan kit/yeung ngai
碟: 李克勤演奏廳
album: concert hall I

爸爸媽媽喜愛養小狗 我已遊戲機養永遠難獲接受
mum and dad like to have a pet dog, i've been raised by video games so it's hard to accept
公公叔叔睇波大講粗口 卻要我知書識禮做教授
grandpa and uncle swear as they watch soccer, but want me to become an educated lecturer

別學壞食煙 身體要康健 
"don't learn to smoke, your body must be healthy"
yet extinguished cigarette butts lie all over the carpet
如逃離視線 追蹤至手電 
to escape this line of sight, traced to a mobile phone
逃出生天 要靠我意志 靠我應變 祈求盡快實現
to escape, i must rely on my will and my preparation, i pray it will occur soon

一起開創未成年同盟會 不必分早晚能隨時開會
let's start an underage alliance, no matter the time we can have meetings whenever
你參加了就會不再執迷 既不須收費 也沒有條例
once you sign up you won't be wrong, there are no fees or rules

牛仔褲襯老西 故意露底 髮型是信心標誌要特製
jeans matched with a suit, deliberately worn low, the specially designed hairstyle is a symbol of confidence
後生可畏 無懼強權 目空一切 不願做成人裙腳仔
younger generations full of promise, not fearing those in power, full of self confidence, not willing to be restrained by apron strings

哥哥嬸嬸最熱愛打牌 轉個頭說賭波 教我容易變壞
big brother and aunt love to play mah-jong, but in a flash say they want to gamble, teaching me how to easily misbehave
姨媽姑姐追星動作飛快 卻叫我房中海報別太大
other aunts chase after celebrities, but tell me to keep my posters in my room small

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

paris hilton

music: ng chung hang
lyrics: wyman wong
arranged: chu chun dong
碟: 李克勤演奏廳II
album: concert hall II (seoul)

納悶在 路易十六座 的沙發上
sitting on louis 16th's sofa* and wondering
望外面 夜幕漸落下 花都發亮
watching the night fog descend outside, even the flowers glow
夜景都是一樣 到處這種色相
the nightviews are all the same, everywhere is the same scenery
it's hard not to miss the opposite window in mong kok*

靜靜地 望著電視上 香港氣象
quietly watching hk's weather report on the tv
慢慢地 撥著電話 十個以上
slowly making phone calls, over ten of them
出門的孩子 沿路有什麼受傷
children away from home, how can they hurt themselves along the way?
只得酒店大床 沒法能縫合創傷
there is only a bed in the hotel, no way to heal this wound

就算在 這夜
even if tonght
樂園問 你以後 會留下嗎
paradise asks "will you stay?"
有計劃 要長住嗎
"do you have any plans for staying longer?"
但是我 始終一句 喜歡我家
for me, I can only say "I love my home"
後園 雖然 還未開花
in the backyard, the flowers have not bloomed
共愛侶 還是吵架
with my lover, there are arguements
再不好 但是到底 也是我家
even if it's worse, in the end, it is still my home

在途上 會發現 有何念掛
on the road, I discover what I miss
哪片地 教人念掛
which piece of land can teach a person to be homesick
落力去 東征西戰 只因顧家
fighting hard in battle, if only to protect my home

舊的床褥與花灑 就算極廉價
my old bed and shower, even if it's not worth a lot
calms me better than hilton* can
准許我歸去吧 不惜以 一切代價
let me return, no matter the cost

熟睡在 又大又寂寞 的酒店內
sleeping in the large but lonely hotel
做夢亦 念及熱湯 沒喝太耐
dreaming about the hot soup that I haven't finished
這陌生房間 無論再望山面海
in this strange room, no matter what the view
始終不過是華麗過場 完事拆開
is only a beautiful interlude, once finished it will be gone

樂園問 我以後 會留下嗎
paradise asks "will you stay?"
有計劃 要長住嗎
"do you have any plans for staying longer?"
但是我 始終一句 喜歡我家
for me, I can only say "I love my home"
後園 雖然 還未開花
in the backyard, the flowers have not bloomed
共愛侶 還是吵架
with my lover, there are arguements
有點擠 但是至少 也是個家
even if it's worse, in the end, it is still my home

在途上 會發現 有何念掛
on the road, I discover what I miss
哪片地 教人念掛
which piece of land can teach a person to be homesick
落力去 東征西戰 只因顧家
fighting hard in battle, if only to protect my home

或者從未夠瀟灑 為掛念而掛
or maybe it's just not grand enough, and I've homesick just for the sake of it
請准我直言 完成大假
please let me speak frankly, let me finish my paid leave
請准我歸去吧 不惜以 一切代價
please let me return, no matter the cost

louis 16th's sofa refers to sofas designed in a neoclassical style of furniture:

對牢旺角大窗 actually refers to looking at the opposite buildings windows as if one was in jail. it describes the dense population in hk and the housing that reflects the need to accomodate as much peopel as possible on the smallest land plot as possible to ensure even more buildings can be built.

hilton is referring to the chain of hotels owned by the hilton family.

月半小夜曲 - half moon serenade

曲: 河合奈保子
music: kawāi nahoko
詞: 向雪懷
lyrics: heung suet wai
編: 杜自持
arranged: andrew tuason
碟: 命運符號
album: destiny's symbol

仍然倚在失眼夜 望天邊星宿
in the sleepless night, gazing at the stars
仍然聽見小提琴 如泣似訴再挑逗
hearing the violin crying, as if mocking me again
why is there only a crescent of the moon left in my sky?
after tonight, we will lose touch completely

人如天上的明月 是不可擁有
people are like the moon in the sky, you cannot possess them
情如曲過只遺留 無可挽救再分別
love is like a song that's been played, when nothing can save it then we can only break up
為何只是失望 填密我的空虛
why is my emptiness filled with disappointment?
tonight there will be no kiss goodbye

仍在說永久 想不到是藉口
we're still speaking of forever, unable to think of an excuse
as we never thought of breaking up...

but my heart is hers, every minute, every second
she is like the moon, never speaking
alone, the violin plays "deep autumn's bright moon"
我的牽掛 我的渴望 直至以後
my worries, my hopes, until forever

Monday, February 19, 2007

一場兄弟 - This Friendship

一場兄弟 - This Friendship
作曲:謝杰 填詞:李峻一 編曲:謝杰/Wayland Lee
Music: Tse Kit
Lyrics: Lee Chun Yut
Arranged: Tse Kit/Wayland Lee

日落從沒有褪色 公園夕陽瀉地
The sunset has never faded; the park is washed in the dusk-light
When we were young, you always came to our playdates..
瀾漫時日已結束 朋友為名利變
Now that childhood has ended, friends betray you for gains
漸行漸遠 太多公事聚太少
Gradually growing apart, time is spent working without friendship gatherings

*誰過去親如弟兄 只怕現已不留痕跡
Who once was a close friend, now leaves no impression
凶險的世界中爭勝 老朋友變得薄情
In the dangerous battle-filled world, old friends become aloof
無法再親如弟兄 欺騙過我的曾經真誠
We cannot be friends again, those who betrayed me were once sincere..
落泊裡一起酒醉互相打氣 步向光榮
When we anchored before we would drink in unison, walking towards honor..
And yet we cannot anymore.

大廈平地裡建起 港灣換成赤地
Skyscrapers rise from flat ground, land is reclaimed from the sea#
Like this, time gradually changes you
望大時代正變遷 朋友亦掏盡了
I hope this era is changing, the last of friends have been called on
舊時熱血 更多功利話更少
In the past I was enthusiastic , achieving more with less words
Repeat *

沒有虧欠 就算你已早疏遠
There is no loss, even if you grew distant a long time ago
The laughter you gave me on our journey is innumerable...

人各有不同利益 一句義氣險如薄冰
People all have different wants, the phrase 'righteousness' is like thin ice
今天相見要很高興 怕何時變得絕情
When we meet today we must be happy, when we meet again, we may be heartless
朋友似不曾認識 欺騙過我的曾經真誠
Friends are like strangers, those who betrayed me were once sincere
落泊裡一起酒醉互相打氣 步向光榮
When we anchored before we would drink in unison, walking towards honor..
All that's left is to enjoy it once more

# - this is referring to land reclaiming that's happening in HK right now, where land that belonged to the sea is being reclaimed for buildings

Sunday, February 18, 2007

白紙鶴 - white paper crane

曲: 陳輝陽
music: keith chan
lyrics: lee chun yat
arranged: chan fai yeung
碟: custom made
album: custom made

懷念以往 回校上課 鄰坐女生有些怯慌
reminiscing the old school days, where the the girl next to me was a little shy
堂上送我 純白紙鶴 甜言我卻害怕講
she gave me a white paper crane during class, except I was too afraid to speak

換了今天 歷遍蒼桑 情話衝口講得很漂亮
but now today, already grown up, these sweet lover's words pour out so easily
然後察覺 圓滑的我 純情變濁了太多
then I realise this smooth talking has soiled these lover's emotions
談無數戀愛終得到什麼 虔誠已不再 機心有極多
speaking of so many loves, what have I acheived? sincerity - no more, motives - I have too many
那年誰贈我天真的紙鶴 卻從沒有忘
I still haven't forgotten who had given me the naive paper crane that year
談無數戀愛終知道什麼 隨時間走過 我變了很多
speaking of so many loves, what do I know? I've changed so much
明日我要騎著紙鶴 飛回舊時 笑問你 可喜歡我
tomorrow I'll ride the paper crane and fly back in time, to smilingly ask you if you like me

曾被吻過 曾被抱過 才驟覺興奮不太多
having been kissed, having been held, to realise that it was not enough
從未與你 曾在愛河 才能永遠懷念散失的紙鶴
I can forever remember the lost paper crane, as you and I have not entered love's river
如若再次結識 但你早不是你 被歲月蒙蔽率真的眼睛
if we could meet again, but you weren't you, the years blinding your eyes from reality

談無數戀愛終得到什麼 純情已不在 機心有極多
speaking of so many loves, what have I acheived? sincerity - no more, motives - I have too many
那年誰贈我天真的紙鶴 卻從沒有忘
I still haven't forgotten who had given me the naive paper crane that year
談無數戀愛終知道什麼 隨時間走過 你變了幾多
speaking of so many loves, what do I know? how much have you changed?
明日我要騎著紙鶴 飛回舊時 笑問你 可喜歡我
tomorrow I'll ride the paper crane and fly back in time, to smilingly ask you if you like me

換了今天 歷遍蒼桑 情話衝口講得很漂亮
but now today, already grown up, these sweet lover's words pour out so easily
然後察覺 圓滑的我 純情變濁了太多
then I realise this smooth talking has soiled these lover's emotions
明日我要騎著紙鶴 飛回舊時 再遇那愚笨的我
tomorrow I'll ride the paper crane and fly back in time, to meet again the stupid me